We perform short, classical Panchakarma. These retreats may be designed to be more cleansing in nature, or purely rejuvenative. We are trained in customizing to your individual needs and health conditions. During your retreat, you will be fully supported by Eastern medical physicians.
Step 1: Book a free 15-minute consultation with Heather Marie.
Step 2: Confirm your retreat booking with a deposit. Dates for retreat are only reserved with a deposit and are usually booked at least three months in advance.
Step 3: Schedule your health history with Heather Marie to discuss your individual needs and goals.
Step 4: You will receive a package of personalized Purvakarma (pre-cleanse) herbs and products with instructions.
Step 5: Begin your Ayurvedic cleanse preparation at the scheduled time.
Step 6: Arrive well-prepared for your scheduled retreat.
5 DAYS WITH SOMA — $3500
Includes three days of abhyanga, shirodhara, svedana, and nasya, and another two days of personalized treatments. Also includes Purvakarma (pre-cleanse) herbs and products, counseling, and daily PK meals.
7am Tea & Meditation
8am Panchakarma elimination therapy
9am Check-in with Ayurvedic practitioner
10am Ayurvedic body therapies (abyhanga, shirodhara, svedana)
1pm Lunch
2pm Personal rejuvenation time: light walking, yoga nidra, journaling, spiritual reading, meditation, rest, etc.
5pm Dinner
6pm Light evening walk
7pm Evening movement prescription